Dataflows for Neurohackweek: Reference

Key Points

A really quick introduction to BIDS
  • Storing scientific data in an open and useful format.

  • This is in line with our overall goal of making science more structured and reproducible.

Converting DICOM data to BIDS
  • Automate conversion of DICOM data to BIDS

  • The specification is still the key source of information

Validating BIDS data structures
  • Validate data before running workflows.

Introduction to Nipype dataflows
  • Nipype can be a powerful tool for writing dataflows

  • Nipype is verbose, but that’s for your own good

Versioning your data with DataLad
  • Versioning data ensures that you can track changes to data

  • Git annex provides a convenient way to sync data

Create and run a brain imaging dataflow
  • Standardized BIDS layout means you can grab info consistently across projects

  • The same workflow will run on multiple BIDS datasets

Intro to BIDS apps
  • Apps can be any executable tool

FIXME: more reference material.